About us.

We are a community of Adventurers

Welcome to Adventure Addictions, an online community for travelers and explorers from around the world to share their adventures.

We are Pat and Steph, founders of Adventure Addictions, and we are based in the beautiful East Kootenay's of BC, Canada. As adventurers, we wanted to have a place to store our trips and photos where they could easily be viewed by other adventure hungry travelers and shared with our friends and family. Our goal is to have adventurers like you join us in our online community geared towards outdoor activities to inspire us and others.

What can this website do for you? It can tell your story, log geographical data, show statistics and build your circle of curious explorers, all at no cost! Share your experiences with the world and help make Adventure Addictions the most adventure rich website on the internet!

Why Adventure Addictions?

Quickly and easiy write a blog on your adventures and include images, video, and GPS information.

Reach a larger audience by sharing your adventures on our social media outlets as well as yor own!

When you sign up, you can connect with other adventurers through direct messanging.

Help us share the word!

It's people like you that make this a community, so if you have places you want to add please join us and share!